Thursday, February 2, 2012

Recipe for your Diet

Hey all... still trying to find the time to do a video blog... but until I get that chance I wanted to let you know I am officially in the 250s! 258.0 to be exact! Really excited about that. I've been hovering in the 260's or 270's for the longest time.

I also found a really great treat for dieters that is very low calorie for those watching their calories, extremely low fat for those watching their fat, and very low points for those watching their weight watchers points.

Fresh Banana and Raspberry Smoothie

1 c of Milk

1 fresh banana

1/2 cup of fresh raspberries

1/2 teaspoon of Cinnamon

1 tablespoon sugar/splenda

5 ice cubes

Okay... that's the basics. From there you have to play with it a bit.

With the milk, it depends on your diet what kind you use. (skim, 1%, 2%, whole with vitamin D, or a Milk replacement such as soy for those who are lactose intolerant) For my purposes, I use 1% since it's only 3 points for 1 cup.

With the banana and raspberries, it will depend on personal taste. I personally use all of a banana and less than half a cup of raspberries. Some want the raspberries to be the stronger flavor so they'll use half of a banana and half a cup of raspberries or more. So again, it depends on taste.

Cinnamon is very healthy. In a small teaspoon of cinnamon there is, calcium, iron, over a gram of fiber, and vitamins C, and K, as well as a small amount of non-fiber carbohydrates. Cinnamon has been used for digestive issues such as indigestion, gas and bloating, stomach upset, and diarrhea. It also has proven health benefits for those suffering from type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance.

Cinnamon can be quite over bearing and is quite strong in flavor, and in higher doses (over 1/2) can cause a few annoyances. Skin irritations, and stomach irritations for those who have a bad digestive system, irritable bowel syndrome or ulcers. Cinnamon also has some antibiotic values, so if you are on doctor Rx'ed antibiotics, please let him/her know you use Cinnamon in your smoothies. So I always recommend 1/2 teaspoon max per smoothie.) In small amounts it does have good health benefits, but because of food allergies, I want you all to be aware of everything.

Now with the sugar, that's up to you. pure fruit smoothies can be a bit bland and some really feel like they need a hint of sugar. For weight watchers - powdered sugar, sugar substitutes, and maple sugar are 0 points. White sugar is 1 point per table spoon. I don't recommend more than 1 tablespoon of any sweetener whether it's sugar or a sugar substitute.

Ice cubes not only make the smoothie nice and cold, but it will make it thicker if you like thicker smoothies. I usually use 5 ice cubes.

Blend it up really good... (Yes you'll need a blender) and there you have a really tasty smoothie.

Making it the way I make it: (1 c 1% milk, 1 banana, less than 1/2 c raspberries, 1 tablespoon sugar, 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon, 5 ice cubes)

For fat watchers... 1 smoothie has 3 grams of fat

For calorie waters... 1 smoothie has 348 calories

For weight watchers... 1 smoothie is about 3 to 4 points.

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