Sunday, January 29, 2012

Sorry I haven't Blogged or Vlogged

It has been a while since I have vlogged/blogged.  I have been so busy. My brother and his family were in town for 5 days. My 2 year old nephew is very attached to me and keeps me extremely busy demanding 100% of my time when he visits. lol (and I love every minute of it. He's such a cutie) and I love to spend time with my 5 mo old baby niece. She learned how to roll around so she NEVER sits still. Even when I'm holding her she insists on bouncing. I've never seen a baby her age move that much. Lol. It's cute tho, she's a smiler. Even when she's cranky and starting to cry, if you look right into her eyes, she has to laugh even if she doesn't want to. LOL

Because of the company, I did a lot of putting things in this drawer, putting things in that drawer, taking this stuff downstairs, leaving this stuff upstairs... and things got lost. Lol. I'm trying to find my video camera and the computer cords that go with it. ha.

Then I got to meet Barry Weiss from Storage Wars (on A&E)! It was so AWESOME!!! I'll have to vlog about that next chance I get. He is as awesome in person as he seems on the show. I was really disappointed in the picture with him though. The person who took the photo for me got it from an odd angle, and it looks like my hair is eating his face up. LOL. The photographer worked for either Barry or the Casino where he was appearing at. What sucked is that she usually took more than one photo for other people to make sure they had at least one good photo... but she only took one for me and I didn't want to bother her to take another. Had I known it was going to be so bad I would have asked. But oh well, it was still fun and I'll vlog about it.

Diet wise, things are still going good. I'm still 10lbs down. I'm not eating as good as I should be. (I'm not eating bad... no junk food, no fast food, nothing like that) Its more than I missed meals here and there and didn't eat all of my points or eat as much as I should have. Whenever there is company over, I find it harder to eat a full meal.

Anyway... that's the update... I promise I will try to get a vlog up soon.

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