Sunday, February 5, 2012

New Vlog, Norditrack Review

Okay guys, so I FINALLY posted a new vlog!YAY!

Click Here

You'll see that I got to meet Barry Weiss from the hit show "Storage Wars" on A&E

It was a LOT of fun. Barry is just like he seems on the show. Funny, fun, and an all around nice guy. If you haven't watched the show you really should.

And while Dave is not exactly my fave on the show by any means... the eye rolling is just having fun with the guy. I can't hate on him too much because he does work with St. Jude's Children's Hospital which is a charity I also try to donate to whenever possible. So while Dave can be a jackass on the show, I can't be too mean to him. lol

Okay. So if you guys are looking for a tredmill, I'll give you a review of mine.

I have the Nordictrack x7I. It has a 40% incline and a 6% decline. That gives you a wide range of up and down hill walking. So, if you like the burn of climbing the side of a mountain, or if you like the ease of jogging downhill... this would definitely be a good treadmill for you.

On the handles it has a heart monitoring system to help you keep your heart rate in check, a fan to keep cool as you're sweating those calories away, and preset workouts with the option of creating your own.

It also comes with a built in iFit Live feature. with ifit live you can download pre-made maps that will occasionally show you the view of a landmark you would be passing if you were actually walking that route in real life... it also simulates the terrain of the area. If the area goes up hill, your treadmill's incline will increase to match what the terrain is like in real life.

Or you can train for a race and then select a race to compete with other iFit Live users across the country.

There are several different views to use when you are on your treadmill. There is the map view, a timer, a screen that tells you the time, the distance, your pace, total calories burned, there's a screen that shows elevation of the terrain you're walking... so there are a lot of view choices.

If you are training, you can choose from Elizabeth Hasselbeck (best known as co-host of ABC's "The View") or Jillian Michaels (Best known for her time as a trainer on "the Biggest Loser"). When I bought the machine in 2010, Jillian Michaels was the only trainer available. There are preset workouts where their voices will motivate you, give you tips, and talk you through your workouts, like having a personal trainer right in your house.

There are different levels of workouts as well. for those of us who are just getting started, to the most athletic trainer. That is why you need to look over your workouts before you save them. I made the mistake of saving a workout that looked fun, without noticing it was 3 miles long, at a running speed. Same with making your own maps, make sure you turn down the level of difficulty if you are looking for a leisurely stroll.

If you don't see a map you like, you can go to and create your own map. Now, in the video I do mention that the one thing I don't like is that unlike the preset maps, you don't get the pictures along the route.  I like the photos because it takes your mind off the workout and gives you a little distraction like "Oh look at that garden. Cool".

My biggest complaint was that, since buying this machine in 2010, they started using Google Earth which gives you street views of the area you are mapping out, so I kept thinking it would be nice if they could use that interface so you could use a street view and see where you're walking instead of just seeing the map view.

However, it turns out that this is something that can be done. You log into your ifitlive account on your laptop or smartphone, and see the street view from those devices as you do your workout. there is a place where you can rest your laptop if you choose to do the street view.

I am not sure how to do this, and right now it seems there is a glitch on iFit Live and the website is not playing nice with the treadmill. They don't seem to be communicating with each other, so I'll have to wait to figure it out until after the issue has been taken care of. Once I figure out how the street view works, I will let you all know in my next video and blog post.


I was able to figure out how to get the street view on my laptop while waking the mapped out area... and I have to say... it's pretty awesome! Lol Check out the video by clicking HERE.


That does bring me to another point... since iFit live is an internet related system... if your internet is down, or their system is glitching, you will have issues with ifit live connection. Not to fear though, you can still do non-iFit live workouts by clicking one of the preset terrains on your machine, or make your own workout.

So in essence, I would recommend this treadmill to anyone looking for an incline trainer. again, it's a Nordictrack x7i and it runs about $1,799.00

So anyhoo.

That's it for now.

just to fill you all in: I started at 270 and I'm currently 257.8

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