Thursday, June 7, 2012


Sorry I haven't blogged in a while. I've been really busy.

Dojo is doing really well on his medication and new diet. (Knock on wood). He hasn't had any bile vomiting, his poops have never been normal. this is the first time he's had normal poops... he's feisty and energetic, his eyes are crystal clear... God willing, he'll continue to improve. so far so good. My other dog is doing great too. She's a total momma dog. She was so sad and stressed when he was sick, so when he's healthy, she's a happy baby girl. She loves her little brother.

Things are good here too. I am taking guitar lessons, just learned my first 6 notes, and my first song that implements 5 of the first 6 notes I learned. I got a really nice guitar from Japan. Pretty guitar, great sound. I'm really enjoying the guitar.

I lost the weight I gained during those 2 weeks I had to leave town to take care of my pup, plus I lost an extra pound. So I'm not where I expected to be had I not gained that weight back... but at least I'm back on the right track.

I had a rummage sale to make a few extra bucks. got rid of a lot of stuff I really didn't need, and made some $$ for my vacation which is really cool. but I got REALLY sunburned.

I had close to a 3rd degree burn on my shoulders, and eventually I needed to get a prescription medicated salve from my doctor which has seemed to help.

But talk about pain. Wow. It was overcast the first day of the rummage so I didn't expect to get burned so I didn't use SPF... and got burned. The next day I wised up and used SPF I found in my bathroom... but it turns out SPF does have an expiration, and it was basically useless. So I got burned worse. (Word to the wise, change your SPF every year.)

I'm finally starting to go from purple to red to tan. I think in the next day or two the burn should finally be completely gone (fingers crossed).


Things are good and God willing, they'll keep going that way. thanks for all your prayers and messages of well wishes. I really do appreciate it. I'll talk to ya'all soon.

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