Thursday, June 7, 2012

Got in the Paper 2x.

So, I'm thinking the local paper should start paying me as a freelance photographer. a few years ago I got a picture of an ultra rare weather phenomenon called a Roll Cloud. Not only did it make the paper, with the write up I did of it, they even interviewed a meteorologist about it. It was 2 pages long. I got a photo of a tree fire caused by the tree falling on a live wire that made front page news... I put a photo of my Catholicism class in the paper for the food drive they collected.... I wrote an article about wildlife and put it in the "letters to the editor" section.

Now, about 2 weeks ago, I was leaving my house to catch a video of a momma Doe and her newborn fawn sleeping in tall grass, when a big black flash caught my eye. A black bear! AH KAWAII! Such a chubby bubby rolly polly cutie pie. I followed him for a while taking video. My mom drove while I recorded it. He even stood up and looked at me on his hind legs

(Black Bears don't stand on their hind legs to look larger like Grizzlies... they do it to get a better smell of what's going on around them and see better.) It was really cool. When he realized we weren't a threat, he carried on his way. The 2nd photo made it in to the local paper with a write up I did.

Then, on Tuesday a rare event called the Venus Transit occurred. That's when Venus passes between the Sun and Earth (or another planet) becoming visible for a brief window of time. You would view the transit as you would a solar eclipse. With special eclipse glasses, with a pinhole projector, from a camera attached to a telescope, or the way I did it, with lvl 10 - 14 shade welder's glass.

It was really amazing. The most amazing thing... for those, like me, who missed it (or didn't know about it) when it happened in 2004... this was the last time we'd see this transit until 2117. so it won't happen again for over 100 years, and it felt good to be able to see it happen live. I used my welders glass as a filter for my camera and got a few pics of the transit, which made front page of the paper along with a small write up.

That itty bitty black speck is Venus. Makes you think huh? Think of how large the sun must be for Venus to look that small. Think about it this way... Earth is only a smidge bigger than Venus... So yeah... puts things into perspective.

anyhoo. That was cool I thought. Made it into the paper 2x in less than 2 weeks. lol! Like I said, soon they should start paying me for my submissions. ha ha.

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