Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Quick Update

Hey all. Just a quick update. I'm currently 252lbs which means I'm just a hop, skip and a jump from 250 which is -20lbs!! I'm actually hoping with all the work I've been doing yesterday and today, I'll make that milestone tomorrow or be pretty darn close to it.

The picture above is me at my starting weight, and 15 pounds later. It's not a huge difference, but you can see the difference starting. when I hit my -20 pound mark, I will post another comparison photo.

I've been really busy... so I didn't have time to post a good video. Both of my big brothers and their families were visiting, so I had both of my 2 year old nephews and both of my 6mo old nieces visiting. (its funny... both of my brothers and their wives had sons first a few months apart, and daughters second, one month apart.) they're soooo cute and I had so much fun playing with them. So it was nice to have them here.

I'm going to be working on a new video, but it will probably be a few days before I can edit it and post it. Hopefully by then I can let you all know I've exceeded - 20 lbs and am on my way to -25. Really excited about my progress!

I did a LOT of working out today. There was a massive snowstorm, and I had to do a lot of shoveling. My mom shoveled last snow and she was in a lot of pain afterwards, so I took the initiative and decided to shovel the deck off today. I didn't realize the snow was knee deep... so I'm in a LOT of pain... my ankle is swollen to the size of a basketball and I almost had an asthma attack, but I worked up a really good sweat despite how cold it was outside so it was a good workout. I got myself 10 exercise points from weight watchers for shoveling snow by hand for just under an hour. (I feel It should have been more, but I'll take the 10pts.) lol

I've also been following Dr. Oz's advice. (I've been watching his show and have learned some good tips.) He has some butt fat burning exercises I've been trying, and he says to drink a cup of 2% milk at night. 2% milk helps you build muscle and fight fat while you sleep. I'm also going to be buying some Pu-erh tea as he recommends. 2 cups in the morning helps burn fat. And Tava tea (a green tea that is a mix of Pu-erh, Oolong and Sencha). I plan on drinking two or three cups a day.

So all in all, things are pretty good. I'm looking forward to getting passed the -20 lbs mark and get the new video up and running.

Anyhoo... check out my previous blogs... I'm going to try to blog about the biggest loser again when I have a chance. And... okay. yeah. talk to ya'all later.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Loyal Dog Hachiko - For dog lovers

Hachiko was an Akita who lived with his owner, a professor named Hidesaburo Ueno, and his wife. Professor Ueno loved Hachiko. He was more than a pet, he was family to Professor Ueno, and in turn, Hachiko gave him all of his love an loyalty. Hachiko followed his master to the train station in Japan every day to see him off to work and would return at the same time every day to wait for him to come off the train, and would happily follow him home.

On one day in May, 1925, Professor Ueno did get off the train. He had died at work from a cerebral hemorrhage. Still, Hachiko waited. Over the next year or so, he would change hands from owner to owner, however, no one was able to contain him. He'd always escape to return to the train station to wait for his master. Eventually he became a stray choosing to stay at the station.

Some say Hachiko returning to the station was habit... however, specialists (whose area of expertise is animal behavior) state that many dogs are able to adapt to new situations very easily. Many times owners pass away, are unable to keep their pet or even simply abandon them, and once adopted into a new home, after a time they tend to adjust and even enjoy their new family. And after all, Hachi was with the Ueno family for only 1 of his 11 years. He was a very intelligent and friendly dog. A dog that could easily have adapted to a new situation.

It was very obvious Hachi was driven by love and loyalty... not by routine. His master's love, a love Hachi returned in full, drove Hachi to wait ever on for his master's return.

The people who had seen Hachiko with his master before his master's death, adopted him. The Train station controller made him a place to sleep, those who frequented the station would bring him food and water. This went on for 9 years. All 9 years Hachiko would wait at the gates at the exact time he always did when Professor Ueno's train was pulling into the station.

Hachiko died on March 8th, 1935. The two movies made of his story, "Hachiko Monogatari" from Japan, and more recently "Hachi, A Dog's Tale" Starring Richard Gere, both imagine the spirit of Hachi's beloved master returning for him the day Hachiko passes away.

A statue dedicated to the memory of the Loyal dog was erected on the very spot where Hachiko waited. Every 8th of April, there is a solemn ceremony honoring Hachiko's unwavering loyalty.

So just remember the story of Hachiko, and other loyal dogs like him. Especially if you have a pet. Remember how their love and loyalty is unconditional, and give your pets an extra hug tonight to show them the feeling is mutual.

Biggest Loser Petition Page To Vote Off Conda

Petition to Vote Conda Off the show

if you guys have facebook, like this page. According to another site called "Vote Conda Off" - Bob contacted the site and stated if the page can get 1,000 likes... America may have their chance to have their say before shows end.

Even if not... (as I'm not sure how it can be done when I think every episode but the live finale has been taped) It will send a strong message to NBC and Biggest Loser execs that we want our show back. For 12 of 13 seasons the show as inspiring, motivational, it was about positive life changes, saving lives by teaching people to be healthier, yes it is a game... yet when push came to shove, everyone pulled together to help those struggling.

This season (in part thanks to Conda) The focus of the show has been on bullying, pettiness, rudeness, drama and meanness. And Conda's bad attitude infected her team, and spread like a virus turning others into mean girls, bullies and drama makers.

in 7 episodes, they've single handedly ruined what the show tried to create in 12 of 13 seasons. So if you have facebook... Like the page linked above. Tell NBC that we could turn on Survivor on CBS or American Idol on Fox if we wanted drama and backstabbing and pettiness. We turn to NBC and the biggest loser for inspiration and motivation.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The Biggest Loser is...

I LOVE the Biggest Loser. Been a fan since day 1.

I have a HUGE crush on Bob Harper - Biggest Loser trainer.

I've also been getting to know Dolvett Quince 


Who joined the show last season as a replacement trainer for Jillian Michaels who left the show to pursue other ventures. I missed last season, so I'm just getting to know him this season, and he's pretty cool so far.

Then of course Alison Sweeney is the host of the show, and I am a big Days of our Lives fan. Sami Rocks! lol

I am a big "Biggest Loser fan". I've loved the show for a long time. It's very motivational and inspirational for people who are on a weight loss journey like I am. You see these people who are in the same position you are, who need to do something to change their lives for the better, you see these trainers who are personally invested in these contestants, and believe in them and want sincerely to see them succeed. It makes you want to root for them too.

One of my favorite seasons was season 9 because it embodied what I felt the show was about. There was this guy, Mike Ventrella, started at over 500 lbs to be the biggest contestant up to that point. He had a lot of ups and downs and sometimes it seemed like his heart wasn't really in there, especially when his mother was voted off the show... but instead of saying "Okay we can get him out next week", all the contestants rallied behind him and helped turn him around. They knew he needed to be there to save his life. He went on to win the biggest loser and even today he is fighting the good fight and helping motivate others.

In another season there was a competition where the contestants had a chance to win a car. Everyone wanted a new car, I mean, it's a new freakin car. But when two of the frontrunners got close to winning, the both looked at each other and were like, "We want this car... but he needs this car" (talking about another contestant) So the both gave up the chance to win the car and walked the other contestant to the finish line and let him win since he needed the car more than they wanted it.

It is a competition, but there is a sense of comradery, a common bond they all shared, and they looked out for one another. they had their spats, and PMS moments, but in the end, they were there for each other.

At least until Season 13, the current season. 

This season was suppose to be "the season of no excuses" at least so said the producers. Well, they should have screened their contestants better, cause I've heard nothing BUT.

The first week, during elimination, this one guy simply stated he wanted to be the one voted out. He just basically gave up and didn't fight for his right to stay on the show. Then another guy walks out. He claims he "missed his family". Well waa waa waa. Part of the reason you're there is BECAUSE of your family. You're obese, you are at risk for diabetes and heart disease. The other contestants miss their families too, but they don't use that as an excuse to quit, they use that as a motivation to get better and be healthier. 

Yeah you miss them now, but in the long run, isn't what you learn on the ranch to get healthy so you can be a part of your kids' lives much more valuable than missing a few weeks with them? (one kid is like, 2... How many of us remember when we were 2? The kid won't remember the few weeks he was gone, but he'll remember dad being healthy and in his life as he grows up.) Plus I keep thinking of all the people who fought to be on the show that didn't make it. And he just walks away.

Then a few episodes later another contestant had to be talked down from leaving. I have never seen a group of such uninspired, unmotivated whiners on the Biggest Loser before.

And then there's Conda. Or as she has been dubbed by Fans of the show, "Anaconda the snake". This girl has an attitude that is so toxic, she is single handedly taken the show from inspiring to Jersey Shore.

She had an issue with Mike who was on her team. The issue wasn't a real issue, she just made it into one. So she had words with him and eventually voted him out after blowing things out of proportion. (I think she wanted more camera time, cause girl was crying... yet there were no tears. Eyes as dry as the desert.) When Conda cries, her voice goes up ten octaves, yet her eyes are dry, there are no tears, her face doesn't get all red like most people's do when they cry, her bottom lip doesn't tremble she shows no signs of actually crying except for her voice.

Then she had an issue with Cassandra from the other team. Cassandra picked Conda to go up against in the weigh in, and Conda thought Cassandra was beneath her. So Dolvett offered the two to have a friendly competition. Cassandra agreed and kicked Conda's ass. Instead of congratulating her, Conda called Cassandra a cheater. Talk about a sore loser, she lost fair and square, but threw out there that Cassandra was a cheater. So Dolvett set up a rematch, loser buy subway sub lunch for winner. Cassandra kicked her ass again. Conda's response? A lot of eye rolling, and "At least she won fair and square THIS TIME, but it's the scale that really matters." (Cassandra goes on to beat her on the scale as well, BIG TIME...and is once again met with eye rolling and attitude.)

After her spat with Cassandra, she has it out with her trainer Dolvett. She rolls her eyes at him, she back talks him, she doesn't give it 110%, and whines and bitches and moans and complains about EVERYTHING.

After her issue with Dolvett, the aqua team wins a chance to be back on the ranch and Adrian is put on her team. Suddenly she has an issue with Adrian. (See a pattern here?)

Her toxic attitude is so poisonous, it turned everyone on the red team into a bunch of asses. I mean, they started to even talk like Conda. They didn't give Adrian a chance from day 1. He didn't say 1 word to them and they were already out for his blood. Yeah Adrian had a hard time controlling what he was saying... but I'd be defensive too if I knew I wasn't wanted before I even stepped foot on the team.

Kim was on his case for something he said which was in reply to a question he was asked, and the twisted it into an insult it was never meant to be... Mike was on his case today because he "only lost 9 pounds" um.. 'scuse me moron, but that's all you lost too. Then he talks about how Adrian only lost 2 pounds the week before... well when you're stressed out and being attacked, yeah, your weight loss may be small that week due to stress. And um... Miss Conda only lost 2lbs herself... I mean seriously here? 

The only one left on that red team worth a Damn is Santa (Roy) who was the only one to try to embrace Adrian as a new team mate. Conda started it all. She complained that Adrian never accepted her offers for help or advice, but like Adrian pointed out, why would he accept when in one breath she'd offer help, and in the next demean him behind his back?

Conda had issues with Mike, Cassandra, Dolvett, Adrian, oh and next week it looks like she has it out with Adrian's sister... yet it's never her that has the issue. Really? In this episode Dolvett was watching his team train without him and had a list of 13 times Conda complained during the workout, several of those times were about Adrian behind his back, when she should have been focusing on herself. She smirked like she was proud of it. That says it all.

She may claim after the show "Editing made me look bad" but sweetie, they can only use what you give them. There is no amount of editing in the world that can make someone look that bad without having something to use. The eye rolling, the back talking, the butting into other people's business, basically, she's acting like a mean girl in middle school. Sad thing is, she's a mother. Is this really the way she wants to represent herself on a show her daughter may see, or how she wants people talking about her in a way her daughter may hear? Is this the example she wants to set for her daughter? Be mean to people, don't try to include people, be rude to people trying to help you, give attitude, be negative and immature? I mean, come on. You're an adult and a mother. Grow up a little. The bad thing is, like I said, her attitude has started to rub off on the rest of her team and they're turning into middle school bullies too.

This is the first season I've seen so many come out against a contestant.  


This is from Conda's own Facebook fan site:

Conda is just a two faced who sooner or later is going to fight with her ''familly'' she couldnt choose over for adrienne and just try to protect her selfish little skin. Honestly i feel sorry for her she doesnt just have health issue problems she has a lot of problems that she first needs to start with her immaturity!

 Hopefully the twist is that you get a better attitude. I feel sorry for people who are as miserable as you are! Go Adrian!

Another week of that horrible, hateful, immature, "person".

I can't believe there are actually people on here defending her actions. I would be embarassed to admit that I even know her. It's a shame that such a horrible negative person was given such a great opportunity like this and all she is doing with it is taking it away from people who truly want to be there to put in the work and lose weight. I really hope she sees how America feels about her and changes her ways.

 Conda is such a horrible person. I can't wait until she is voted off.

 My blood pressure has gone up just from watching this show... I was so upset from watching this evil girl bullying Adrian while he was working out minding his own business! I am 24 just like Conda is now and can't stand the way she acts like a spoiled brat! If she has no shame to act that way in front of millions of viewers then I would hate to know how she acts in real life! She deserves to be called a bitch!

Here's from Twitter

 Conda should be ashamed of herself. She created strife then blamed it on someone else.

 Shut up Conda! What a whiny spoiled brat! Poor Adrian! He never even had a chance!

 I'm truly disgusted by so many of the red team members! SHAME ON YOU!! Conda's negativity is poisonous!!


From The Biggest Loser Facebook

Producers, are you listening?? We your viewers don't appreciate this season and the direction the show has taken. It's moved from motivational to drama, back stabbing and hatred. Contestants like Conda are poison. No one is inspired by them. It has ruined the show. Until she is voted off, I will be fast forwarding through the episodes. Please clean up the show and bring back The Biggest Loser that we love! PLEASE!!

 I truely hate Conda and Kim!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They are backstabbing b**ches!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is a weight loss show, I truely hope they leave the show next week. Really leave forever, they are not inspiriational and they are putting the show down. I will stop watching the show if they do not leave the show. This isn't Survivor girlies.

 Red Team one seems to have a spine of their own. Everyone is siding with Conda and Kim. I think I'm done with this show for this season. I couldn't care less what happens now. These people have shown themselves to be too petty to be inspiring or anything else. I think they just don't get it!

  I can't believe no one sees Conda's hate pattern. I'm starting to think this season should be renamed..."Who will Conda hate this week." 

 WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO THE SHOW THIS SEASON? Other seasons have always been so inspirational, people helping each other, encouragement, team work, and friends for life. What a contrast from last season, all the drama and contention.


I could go on, but you get the point. There are THOUSANDS of comments like this. 

Since writing this blog, several anti-conda pages have popped up on Facebook. Vote Conda Off, and the Petition to get Conda off biggest Loser - based on the anti-bullying movement. There is also an I dislike Conda fan site that has over 1,000 likes.

She has a handful of supporters, mostly family and friends... but if you did a pie chart of supporters vs. people who want to see her off the show... it would be 99.9% anti-conda to .1% pro Conda.

Basically, the red team took a show that was inspirational and a motivation to others, and turned it into the "Real Housewives of Biggest Loser" with all the cattiness and fighting and backstabbing and attitude. In 5 episodes they destroyed the image Biggest Loser took 13 seasons to build.

Many people have stopped watching, have threatened to stop watching, or DVR the show and fast forward to the end. That's not a good sign for a show that is ratings oriented. 

Someone needs to sit down with the red team and tell them to stop acting like middle school brats and start acting like adults who are their to change their lives for the better. They need an attitude adjustment because these kinds of attitudes are setting them up for a relapse after the show is over. They spend so much time being negative and worrying about other people that they are missing the lessons they are suppose to be learning and absorbing. 

It's a very frustrating season. The Black Team has their stuff in order at least. They've been working hard, they've been pulling together, they've been focusing on the training and not complaining or whining or back talking Bob or getting into petty fights between each other. 

That's one thing I can say for Bob, he keeps his team in line. When he sees trouble brewing, he lays it on the line, where Dolvett hasn't had that heart to heart with the team as a whole yet. He told Adrian privately to bring it... and he's come out to Conda's face and said, 'you're a whiner'... but he hasn't had that, "Okay take your own advice and shut up and listen" moment. Although, he'd only be met with eye rolling and resistance if he tried, so...

But all in all, the main consensus it seems is that this is the WORST season of Biggest Loser EVER... and instead of being called "Season of No Excuses" it should be renamed "Season of Bullies and whining".

the Biggest Loser this season is, The biggest loser (and not in the good way.) I truly hope the producers see what fans are saying this season, and make an effort to correct it before next season to get the show back to the inspirational show it use to be, and cut back on the drama and bullying we've seen this season. If we want drama, we have lots of shows like Housewives, Jersey Shore, Teen Mom, Dr. Phil, and Judge Judy. Biggest Loser is about lives changing for the better... not drama.

There. My Rant is over. Tell me what YOU think of this season by leaving a comment.

By the way, Bob is hot. LOL

Sunday, February 5, 2012

New Vlog, Norditrack Review

Okay guys, so I FINALLY posted a new vlog!YAY!

Click Here

You'll see that I got to meet Barry Weiss from the hit show "Storage Wars" on A&E

It was a LOT of fun. Barry is just like he seems on the show. Funny, fun, and an all around nice guy. If you haven't watched the show you really should.

And while Dave is not exactly my fave on the show by any means... the eye rolling is just having fun with the guy. I can't hate on him too much because he does work with St. Jude's Children's Hospital which is a charity I also try to donate to whenever possible. So while Dave can be a jackass on the show, I can't be too mean to him. lol

Okay. So if you guys are looking for a tredmill, I'll give you a review of mine.

I have the Nordictrack x7I. It has a 40% incline and a 6% decline. That gives you a wide range of up and down hill walking. So, if you like the burn of climbing the side of a mountain, or if you like the ease of jogging downhill... this would definitely be a good treadmill for you.

On the handles it has a heart monitoring system to help you keep your heart rate in check, a fan to keep cool as you're sweating those calories away, and preset workouts with the option of creating your own.

It also comes with a built in iFit Live feature. with ifit live you can download pre-made maps that will occasionally show you the view of a landmark you would be passing if you were actually walking that route in real life... it also simulates the terrain of the area. If the area goes up hill, your treadmill's incline will increase to match what the terrain is like in real life.

Or you can train for a race and then select a race to compete with other iFit Live users across the country.

There are several different views to use when you are on your treadmill. There is the map view, a timer, a screen that tells you the time, the distance, your pace, total calories burned, there's a screen that shows elevation of the terrain you're walking... so there are a lot of view choices.

If you are training, you can choose from Elizabeth Hasselbeck (best known as co-host of ABC's "The View") or Jillian Michaels (Best known for her time as a trainer on "the Biggest Loser"). When I bought the machine in 2010, Jillian Michaels was the only trainer available. There are preset workouts where their voices will motivate you, give you tips, and talk you through your workouts, like having a personal trainer right in your house.

There are different levels of workouts as well. for those of us who are just getting started, to the most athletic trainer. That is why you need to look over your workouts before you save them. I made the mistake of saving a workout that looked fun, without noticing it was 3 miles long, at a running speed. Same with making your own maps, make sure you turn down the level of difficulty if you are looking for a leisurely stroll.

If you don't see a map you like, you can go to and create your own map. Now, in the video I do mention that the one thing I don't like is that unlike the preset maps, you don't get the pictures along the route.  I like the photos because it takes your mind off the workout and gives you a little distraction like "Oh look at that garden. Cool".

My biggest complaint was that, since buying this machine in 2010, they started using Google Earth which gives you street views of the area you are mapping out, so I kept thinking it would be nice if they could use that interface so you could use a street view and see where you're walking instead of just seeing the map view.

However, it turns out that this is something that can be done. You log into your ifitlive account on your laptop or smartphone, and see the street view from those devices as you do your workout. there is a place where you can rest your laptop if you choose to do the street view.

I am not sure how to do this, and right now it seems there is a glitch on iFit Live and the website is not playing nice with the treadmill. They don't seem to be communicating with each other, so I'll have to wait to figure it out until after the issue has been taken care of. Once I figure out how the street view works, I will let you all know in my next video and blog post.


I was able to figure out how to get the street view on my laptop while waking the mapped out area... and I have to say... it's pretty awesome! Lol Check out the video by clicking HERE.


That does bring me to another point... since iFit live is an internet related system... if your internet is down, or their system is glitching, you will have issues with ifit live connection. Not to fear though, you can still do non-iFit live workouts by clicking one of the preset terrains on your machine, or make your own workout.

So in essence, I would recommend this treadmill to anyone looking for an incline trainer. again, it's a Nordictrack x7i and it runs about $1,799.00

So anyhoo.

That's it for now.

just to fill you all in: I started at 270 and I'm currently 257.8

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Recipe for your Diet

Hey all... still trying to find the time to do a video blog... but until I get that chance I wanted to let you know I am officially in the 250s! 258.0 to be exact! Really excited about that. I've been hovering in the 260's or 270's for the longest time.

I also found a really great treat for dieters that is very low calorie for those watching their calories, extremely low fat for those watching their fat, and very low points for those watching their weight watchers points.

Fresh Banana and Raspberry Smoothie

1 c of Milk

1 fresh banana

1/2 cup of fresh raspberries

1/2 teaspoon of Cinnamon

1 tablespoon sugar/splenda

5 ice cubes

Okay... that's the basics. From there you have to play with it a bit.

With the milk, it depends on your diet what kind you use. (skim, 1%, 2%, whole with vitamin D, or a Milk replacement such as soy for those who are lactose intolerant) For my purposes, I use 1% since it's only 3 points for 1 cup.

With the banana and raspberries, it will depend on personal taste. I personally use all of a banana and less than half a cup of raspberries. Some want the raspberries to be the stronger flavor so they'll use half of a banana and half a cup of raspberries or more. So again, it depends on taste.

Cinnamon is very healthy. In a small teaspoon of cinnamon there is, calcium, iron, over a gram of fiber, and vitamins C, and K, as well as a small amount of non-fiber carbohydrates. Cinnamon has been used for digestive issues such as indigestion, gas and bloating, stomach upset, and diarrhea. It also has proven health benefits for those suffering from type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance.

Cinnamon can be quite over bearing and is quite strong in flavor, and in higher doses (over 1/2) can cause a few annoyances. Skin irritations, and stomach irritations for those who have a bad digestive system, irritable bowel syndrome or ulcers. Cinnamon also has some antibiotic values, so if you are on doctor Rx'ed antibiotics, please let him/her know you use Cinnamon in your smoothies. So I always recommend 1/2 teaspoon max per smoothie.) In small amounts it does have good health benefits, but because of food allergies, I want you all to be aware of everything.

Now with the sugar, that's up to you. pure fruit smoothies can be a bit bland and some really feel like they need a hint of sugar. For weight watchers - powdered sugar, sugar substitutes, and maple sugar are 0 points. White sugar is 1 point per table spoon. I don't recommend more than 1 tablespoon of any sweetener whether it's sugar or a sugar substitute.

Ice cubes not only make the smoothie nice and cold, but it will make it thicker if you like thicker smoothies. I usually use 5 ice cubes.

Blend it up really good... (Yes you'll need a blender) and there you have a really tasty smoothie.

Making it the way I make it: (1 c 1% milk, 1 banana, less than 1/2 c raspberries, 1 tablespoon sugar, 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon, 5 ice cubes)

For fat watchers... 1 smoothie has 3 grams of fat

For calorie waters... 1 smoothie has 348 calories

For weight watchers... 1 smoothie is about 3 to 4 points.