Saturday, February 18, 2012

Biggest Loser Petition Page To Vote Off Conda

Petition to Vote Conda Off the show

if you guys have facebook, like this page. According to another site called "Vote Conda Off" - Bob contacted the site and stated if the page can get 1,000 likes... America may have their chance to have their say before shows end.

Even if not... (as I'm not sure how it can be done when I think every episode but the live finale has been taped) It will send a strong message to NBC and Biggest Loser execs that we want our show back. For 12 of 13 seasons the show as inspiring, motivational, it was about positive life changes, saving lives by teaching people to be healthier, yes it is a game... yet when push came to shove, everyone pulled together to help those struggling.

This season (in part thanks to Conda) The focus of the show has been on bullying, pettiness, rudeness, drama and meanness. And Conda's bad attitude infected her team, and spread like a virus turning others into mean girls, bullies and drama makers.

in 7 episodes, they've single handedly ruined what the show tried to create in 12 of 13 seasons. So if you have facebook... Like the page linked above. Tell NBC that we could turn on Survivor on CBS or American Idol on Fox if we wanted drama and backstabbing and pettiness. We turn to NBC and the biggest loser for inspiration and motivation.

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